Just like your car needing routine service and maintenance, so do your teeth! They say that you should have your car serviced every 10,000-12,000 miles or once yearly. Why do they say this? They say it because it prevents you from having costly car repairs.
Dentistry is very similar in that routine care prevents costly procedures later on. It is recommended that you see your dentist every 6 months for routine checkups and cleanings to maintain the health of your teeth. When you are seen by the dentist on a regular basis issues can be addressed as they come up when they are small and less expensive. When an issue goes unchecked for a long period of time, it allows your dental issue to become a big problem with a much larger price tag to fix.
So what are you waiting for? Whether it's been 6 months, a year, or 10 years come on in to see us and we will be happy to get you back on track and keep your smile happy and healthy! Give us a call at 785-274-9917 today. Don't let a small issue today become a big problem down the road.
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