Have you smiled in awhile?
Research has shown that smiling releases hormones that make you feel good. These hormones are dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. Therefore, smiling can actually make you feel happier!
For some people, smiling is not something they feel comfortable doing because of the health of their teeth. If that is you, you are not alone. Many people are self-conscious when it comes to their teeth giving them a reason to keep their smile hidden. As a dentist, it is my goal to empower people to have healthy, confident smiles. When the people I help feel good about themselves and their teeth that is when I am my happiest.
If you have had a reason not to smile, whether that is because of a chipped tooth, missing teeth, or any other reason regarding your teeth I would encourage you to give our office a call. We are here to welcome you without judgement. We want to help you achieve a healthy smile you are proud of. Together, we will give you a reason to smile!
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